Monthly Archives: October 2019

Single Filing Deadline from 2021

Currently all companies, including those with no business activities or those in a loss position, is to e-File their Year of Assessment (YA) 2019 Corporate Income Tax returns (Form C-S/ C) by 15 Dec 2019, or by 30 Nov 19 if they paper file. The extended filing deadline of 15 Dec will no longer be available in 2021. This means that all companies will be required to e-File their YA 2021 Corporate Income Tax returns by 30 Nov 2021. IRAS will remind companies of this filing due date nearer to 2021. For more details please refer to IRAS website:–15-Dec-Extended-Deadline-for-Companies-that-e-File/

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Application for Licences Made Easy

LicenceOne has been rebranded and is now known as GoBusiness Licensing. From 31 Oct, once a business owner successfully registers his business in BizFile+, he will be guided to the new GoBusiness Licensing portal to apply for the licences required to operate his business. The new portal, which replaces the current LicenceOne portal, is a one-stop portal for businesses to apply for licences they need easily and efficiently. The portal allows business owners to obtain multiple licences simultaneously in a simplified application and payment process. Please note that CorpPass is the only login method for online corporate transactions with more than 140 government digital services, including GoBusiness Licensing. For details please refer to link from Gobusiness Licensing website:

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